Massage Break: - The Work Place Massage

Watson Wyatt Canadian Staying @ Work Survey
• the average direct cost of absenteeism is $3550 per employee per year
• the annual cost to Canadian companies due to stress-related disorders is $12 billion
• absenteeism due to stress has increased by over 300% since 1995

Aventis Healthcare Survey 2002
• 51% of Canadian employees experience a great deal of stress at work
• 25% of these employees have been physically ill from workplace stress

American Institute Of Stress
• 75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related
• up to 80% of on-the-job accidents are stress-related
• 40% of job turnover is due to stress

In Australia.
• companies in Australia now have full time massage staff
• the Australian Government has work place massage
• a Medibank Private study has shown that healthier employees tend to take fewer days off work

Research has shown that business and companies that have Work Place Massage enjoy the following benefits:
reduced staff turn over
reduced sick leave
employees feel appreciated
reduced stress
greater productivity
less stress-related leave
Increases employee morale

I am available to conduct massage at the following locations:
• seminars: people sit for hours getting tension in their back, neck and shoulders
• offices
• shops
• party plan functions: eg aromatherapy parties, nutrimetics, etc

A workplace massage session runs for 10 - 15 minute covering the head, shoulders, back, arms and hands. There must be a minimum of three people booked into a session.

Payment can be made via the following methods:
• employer pays and claims it on tax
• staff pay separately
• staff and employer co-contribute

Where else can you sitting down for better health.